Saturday, September 26, 2015

Weep, Mourn, and Pray

When I heard these words, I sat down and wept.  I mourned for a number of days fasting and praying before God of heaven.  Nehemiah 1:4

If we live long enough, there will come a time when we will be receive devastating news.  This news will break our hearts and will place us in a position where we may not know what to do.  We may feel as if there is no place to turn.  Let us not be deceived.  We do have someone to turn to.  Our family and friends are wonderful but where do we turn first?  Who do we turn to first?

We read in the Book of Nehemiah that Nehemiah had received some devastating news.  Nehemiah 1:3 – They said to me, “The remnant in the province who survived the exile, are in great trouble and disgrace.  Jerusalem’s wall has been broken down and its gates have been burned.”  Nehemiah received news that greatly unsettled his soul.  Has there ever been a time that the news you received unsettled your soul?  Nehemiah was greatly concerned about Jerusalem because it was the Jews’ holy city.  It was his homeland, even though he was living in Babylon because of the Jews’ captivity. 

Your devastating news may not come in the form of your homeland being in disarray but it could come in the form of a diagnosis, a family crisis, a release from a job, or an end to a relationship.  Devastating news comes in all forms to all people.  We see in Scripture that immediately after hearing the news, Nehemiah wept, he mourned, fasted, and prayed.  He sought out no one else other than Almighty God. 

What will we do when difficult news is delivered?  Before our news ever arrives, our LORD knows.  Job 34:21 – For His eyes watch over a man’s steps and He observes all his steps.  Our God is omniscient and desires for us to yield to him in our brokenness, in our heartache.  Weep, mourn, and fast, but most importantly, go to your knees in prayer to God.  Psalm 34:17 tells us The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears…..

So when the difficult news comes, and it will; what will you do?  Let’s do as Nehemiah did.  Take  time at first to weep, mourn, fast, and pray.  Then listen to the voice of God as He directs your path. 

Dear Heavenly Father, we know this journey can be difficult.  I pray we will seek Your will and directions in prayer as Nehemiah chose to do.  In Jesus Name I Pray…..Amen.

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